The inspiration for this story stems directly from the twisted imagination of my father. I must have been seven or eight years old at the time, but I can still hear his voice as he would burst out in a radio announcer voice, breaking up the monotony of our summer road trips to the beach. He became “Biff Burnes” and delivered the play-by-play SHARKFEST action of all kinds of swimmers as they approached the pool and took on the infamous sharks. If I remember correctly, most of the kids made it across.

This book captures my own memories of his ramblings, and I wrote it to pass the same experience on to my own children. As I developed the full story, I would read parts aloud to my boys and listen for their reactions. I am very pleased with the final result, and they are too. I hope that other dads (and moms) also have fun reading this to their kids and realize that sometimes it’s the simpler things that we do with our children that last the longest.

About the author

I’m (still) a forty-something father of three boys with a twisted sense of humor. When I’m not at my day job designing websites, I’m running or cooking or walking dogs or lately…writing.

I guess I inherited my father’s weird sense of humor, laughing with him while we watched Monty Python and Mel Brooks movies and reading every Gary Larson cartoon ever created. So I am very grateful for those moments and hope that I can keep that alive and pass it along to others.

Thanks and enjoy!
– Brian